Phone 01407 764599  Surgery Hours : 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday - Thursday  8.30am - 1.00pm Friday

Patient 10

This patient was unhappy with her two front teeth crossing over each other.After around 16 weeks wearing a removable brace, her teeth were aligned.



Her treatment was completed with at home tray tooth whitening.This patient came to Tara being unhappy with the shade, and how her front teeth crossed over. Using the removable cosmetic brace, her two front teeth were uncrossed leaving her with lovely straight teeth. The patient went on then to use the home whitening kits untill she was happy with the shade. Some edges of the teeth became uneven when the patient finished her straightening, so Tara was able to build the teeth up using white filling material and matching them to her new white teeth. She achieved this amazing smile.