Phone 01407 764599  Surgery Hours : 8.30am - 5.30pm Monday - Thursday  8.30am - 1.00pm Friday

Patient 15

 We used removable braces for this patient

Patient 14

This patient was unhappy with the way her front teeth looked 

Patient 13

The Patient was unhappy with her front teeth 

Patient 12

Patient 11

Patient 10

This patient was unhappy with her two front teeth crossing over each other.After around 16 weeks wearing a removable brace, her teeth were aligned.


Patient 09

 This patient was unhappy

with the appearance of her front teeth.

Patient 08

This patient came in after an accident had left the crown on her front tooth loose.

Patient 07

  This patient was unhappy with his front teeth.

Patient 01

 This patient's main worry was the discoloring of her two front crowns.

Patient 02

This patient was
unhappy with the
colour of her teeth.

Patient 03

This patient was
conscious of the
appearance of
her teeth

Patient 04

This lady didn’t like the
gap in between her
front teeth.

Patient 05

This Patient was
unhappy with the
apperance of her
top teeth.

Patient 06

This patient was not happy

with the appearance of her

 2 front teeth.